Ken Aaron Kok
5 min readApr 29, 2021


how to effectively incorporate UX strategies upon presentations

“This would then make our prime conflicts very lowkey

— Mark the intern

“LOWKEY”… now how would a target audience full of investors, with an age group of 50s-60s understand this? Let’s be honest, not everyone understands Gen Z language more than Gen Z does; and no one understands boomers more than boomers do. The generational gap between the languages,cultures, slangs, etc. between the millennials, Gen X, Gen Z continues to grow as time passes.

This creates a problem when certain people in the workspace, try to present something without basic audience research; which directly also ties into UX design. UX design involves the connection between users and the product and for it to be success, a UX designer needs to be in between to connect the two. I am going to provide tips in order to prepare you for your next meeting! Here are the eight essential steps that utilizes UX design for your next presentation!

1. “Research Your Audience!”

By simply empathizing with the audience upon their background in education, culture, etc. the use of UX writing can further expedite the connection to the product.

Audiences can range from baby boomers to GenZ. This statistical data is crucial before an interview or presentation as certain slang or cultural happenings may help entertain your audience further and thus achieving a successful presentation!

2. Don’t wander off the path!

Concentrate on the current product. Improvements later on can be done, although overloading the prototype can confuse the audience.

Make sure that the presentation goes from point to point B. Polish the said product and avoid adding blueprints through the presentation as it can get confusing.

Do not add any concepts that concern the project, you have not consulted with your team. Improvising about specific data about the finished products could bite you back later on.


3. Express Detail!

Often product designers incorporate the tiniest detail upon the fished product. These details are crucial in a presentation to be noticed as it forms a deeper connection with the customers thus increases success! A simple symbolism of the military may be the selling point to a retired army veteran.

The Marvel cinematic universe would not be how it is today without their intricate writing and thoughtful details included in each movie, which then allows them to further add on blockbuster movies in the future. This is very crucial in a cinematic universe this large. Coincidentally, this attention to detail is also the very reason why most fans love Marvel!

4. Be careful when using humor…

Humor in UI/UX design is often utilized to make the product more human. Although this may backfire when the said joke is inappropriate, irritating, etc. This must be extensively researched as well

Family guy for instance involves humor that may not be suitable/acceptable in other cultures therefore the said humor must be researched intricately before presenting to avoid customer dissatisfaction


5. Use Acting, Images, Videos…

that relate to your presentation/product in order to further connect/ empathize with your audience.

Just like in the famous TV series The Office. In this episode the concept of what Michael is doing is pure UX design. He tried empathizing with his audience to experience what it is like in prison, although it may have been executed poorly as his research upon inmates is incorrect, also none of his employees were previous ex-convicts aside from Creed Bratton.


6. ACT Confident

By simply acting confident, you are sure your audience that you know what you’re talking about and that gives them the assurance that what you are saying is trustworthy which then also reflects upon the whole team/company. Respond confident and hold your ground.

With his confidence and charisma, the Rock has become one of the world’s most paid actors and a successful businessman. He has multiple brand deals, a whiskey company, movie projects, appearances, podcasts, and part of this is all due to his ecstatic confidence!

7. Improv!

Improvise and adapt

Earlier upon tip number two, I stated not improvise specific data about the product that you do not know; although there are exceptions.. Sometimes we just get hit with a question unrelated to the topic; and thus to eliminate the possibility of losing the flow and confidence in our audience we must improvise!


Here we can see Michael Scott improv his way out of a surprise question from his boss that certainly makes him look good in this situation.

All of these techniques enhances the target audience’s experience, which is the main principles/concept of UX design. With all that being said you should be more or less ready for your next presentation just remember the seven steps to success; Good Luck!



Ken Aaron Kok

U I / U X | Product Design. Seattle, WA